Book Update

A guide for writers with or without published work. A comprehensive resource that every writer should have in their library in order to learn how to publish, promote, and market themselves on the Internet.

Is your book project ready for the next E-Revolution?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

[Motown Writers Network] The Essence of Motown Literary Jam & Conference #motown

 The Essence of Motown Literary Jam & Conference

November 11th – 12th, 2011

Virgil Carr Cultural Center | 311 E Grand River, Detroit, Michigan 48226


* most events are FREE to public

To celebrate the written word in Metro Detroit with every reader and writer around!

Friday: Open Mic Poetry, Networking, Meet & Greet and Passion Fruit Expression*


- Writing, Publishing & Marketing Workshops w/lunch plus Poetry Panel

-Literary Marketplace for author signings, discussions, new book releases by local authors & more!

-Literary Discussion by community leaders: How can organizations and citizens help increase literacy in Metro Detroit?

The Literary Loft | Versandra Kennebrew Intl | EnigmaGraphics | Motown Writers Network | Rolling Out Magazine | Penguin Books | AND Communications | EchoVerse | Detroit Impact Center | 360DigitalBooks | HubBooks

 Readers are encouraged to bring books (new or gently used) for donations to our Motown Literacy Project to increase literacy in Metro Detroit! Giveaways (including 2 Amazon Kindles and more) will take place all weekend for readers and authors. 

Meet readers, authors, literary organizations, community leaders and more as we increase literacy & strengthen the literary network in Metro Detroit!

Register Now

www.MotownLiteraryJam.com | 313.289.8614

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[video] 5 Steps to Extreme Productivity PLUS 10 Steps to Leverage YOUR Star Power via @pamperry plus free MP3 from Cindy Trimm

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What's New?Contact Us

Cindy Trimm The Prayer Warrior's Way Book Launch Empowerment Call - FREE MP3

2011-10-05 23:32:00-04


Pam Perry 
2:02pm Oct 5

Wall Photos 

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[Video] 5 Steps to Extreme Productivity PLUS 10 Steps to Leverage YOUR Star Power

2011-10-24 11:22:00-04

Perry+Williamson presents:  "Ten Steps to Leverage YOUR Star Power and Positon Yourself as Rockstar in Your Industry"

Are you Hiding out of Shining YO UR Light? This FREE webinar will reveal ten secrets to unlock your "star power." This value-packed webinar will give you simple (yet effective!) strategies to position yourself as THE person to work with in your market. You don't want to miss it!

Here's What You'll Learn on this Webinar:

- 10 simple, yet proven business-building strategies to help you grow your brand and see massive results online

- How to increase visibility to get more media exposure and paid speaking engagements

- How to increase position yourself as an expert in your field and grow your email list in the process

- How to make more money and impact more people doing what you love

There's really no lack of money out there. It's time to dream bigger and stop hiding your light - step into the spotlight and be the "superstar" you were meant to be.

Whether you write, speak, consult, coach or want to get more clients, this new webinar shows you how!

Date: Thursday, October 27, 2011

Time: 8PM - 9:20PM ET

Access: Register Here > www.perrywilliamson.com


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Monday, October 24, 2011

Building an email list... FAST! via @Nicolas_Cardot

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The Super Bowl of Content Marketing
 Here in the US of A, we worship football. When fall finally arrives, we plan our weekends and Monday nights around it. Ah, the sounds of pads colliding, the buzz of the crowd, the inte…
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 When it comes to link building schools of thought, there are those that opt purely for quantity, ignoring the quality and even relevance of the links received. However, and especi…
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 The world is full of idiots. You're an idiot. Sorry but it's true. But don't worry, I'm an idiot too and unlike you…I'm willing to admit it.…
Elegant Themes
Gravity Forms
Popup Domination
Scribe SEO
Blogging to the Third Power
Ninja Affiliate

Building an email list... FAST!

Like Building an email list... FAST! on Facebook     share on Twitter


See if you can relate to this...

Phil knew he wanted to market various 

products on the web but the problem was, he didn't have a list.

So he started the old fashioned way doing what everyone "suggested" he do.

Long-story short, he was building a list slowly but surely and within 6 months had built a list of just over 2000 people.

But he wanted to go faster.

Sound familiar?

So he started brainstorming on creative ways to attract the kind of people that could help him build a list quicker, faster and easier.

That's when it hit him and he came up with a VERY creative way to use WishList Member.

He explains what he did in this interview which you can download free:http://is.gd/sH69cb


I'll see you at the top,
Nicholas Cardot

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LinkedIn could be your next secret weapon via @SandraBeckwith

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Tips, tactics and tools for generating media awareness and other buzz about your books.


Hi Sylvia,

Can LinkedIn help you sell more books?

You bet. Like everything else with book marketing, though, you have to use it properly. To be honest, a lot of authors on LinkedIn don't know what they're doing. I know - I used to be one of them! But once I spent some time learning more about how to use this powerful resource, I saw a big difference in my results. Today, LinkedIn is driving more traffic to my website than any other source!

Many authors don't take the time to learn how it works, though, and end up quickly abandoning what has become the second largest social networking site in the U.S. What a shame.

I'd like to help you learn how to harness the power of the 120 million LinkedIn users in an information-packed teleseminar with Wayne Breitbarth, author of The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success. Wayne will share his LinkedIn success secrets for authors as my guest for "How to Use LinkedIn to Sell More Books" on October 25 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern, 6:00 p.m. Central, 5:00 p.m. Mountain, 4:00 p.m. Pacific.

We'll discuss what does and doesn't work for authors, mistakes to look out for, and specific things you can do to maximize your success potential. If you've listened to any of our Build Book Buzz teleseminars before, you know that we always offer a great deal of helpful information that you can use immediately!

Don't worry if that time isn't convenient for you - everybody who registers will get a link to the audio recording. Learn more and register now at http://bit.ly/qZbqK9. (All participants will receive Wayne's "LinkedIn Power for Authors" checklist at no extra charge, too!) I hope you can join us!


P.S. Remember, you don't have to be available at the time of the call to listen to it. We'll send you a link to the recording the next day.

Build Book Buzz
Sandra Beckwith, Editor & Publisher
Phone: 585-377-2768
Email: sb@buildbookbuzz.com

Beckwith Communications

25 Erie Crescent
Fairport, NY

Detroit Future Twitter Training - This Saturday, Free, Open to the public

Detroit Future Twitter Training
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This Sat. 10/22 1:00 - 4:00pm
@ Allied Media Projects 4126 Third Street (Between Selden & Alexandrine)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If a police's power is held in their gun, the media's power is held in their stories.  What kind of stories are being told about Detroit? What kind of stories can our communities tell when we come together?  

Join members of the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition this Saturday for a workshop and strategy session on how to shape Detroit's Future, 140 characters at a time.  

We will share information about how three programs are currently using the #detroitfuture "hashtag" on Twitter to build a narrative of hope, justice and transformation in Detroit: Detroit Future Schools, Detroit Future Youth and Detroit Future Media.  

We will break down dominant stories about Detroit and build our own stories from the ground up.  

This training will also include:
    •    the basics of how to set up a twitter account
    •    how to use twitter on your phone versus your computer
    •    how to use twitter protocols (such as RT, @, and #)
    •    how to use twitter for organizing & promoting events
    •    how to use twitter as your one-stop-shop news source
    •    how to choose between different twitter software options

Please arrive at 12:30 if you don't currently have a twitter account and want to set one up before the training.  

By the end of this training you will be an official Twitter community storyteller, helping to build the collective narrative of #detroitfuture

Contact: susana@emeac.org for more information

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