Just how much revenue do you think a best-selling ebook can generate in a year? Twenty thousand dollars? A hundred thousand? Three hundred thousand? How about twenty-one million dollars? One of Clickbank's publishers has revealed that their account generated twenty-one million dollars in retail sales during a twelve month period. Apparently they even obtained permission from Clickbank's senior management staff to print this sales figures on their information page for affiliates. This figure is gross revenue before refunds and chargebacks, but hey, I don't mind refunding some of that. Even if they had a high refund rate of 20% that leaves a tidy $16 million to pay the rent. I have said before that selling your ebooks through Clickbank can be very lucrative and this success story is a testimony to that. Now we must be able to learn from this. So who did it? And what is this product? The product is Fat Loss For Idiots and it is basically an ebook and diet system. Customers receive "The Diet Handbook" and they gain access to an online diet generator. I strongly recommend you take some time to study this product, their web site and promotional materials. Even taking a quick glance a few things stand out immediately. 1. This ebook provides a solution to an everyday problem that millions of people are concerned about. If you want your ebook to be a best-seller you will need to do that too. Some examples of other products at ClickBank with very high popularity rankings are "Earth 4 Energy - Renewable Energy Solutions", "Truth About Six Pack Abs" and "The Magic Of Making Up (Get Your Ex Back)". All of these products also address popular, everyday issues. 2. This product is more than just an ebook. Your own ebook might be more popular if it promoted as more than an ebook. Call it a system. Call it a training course. Maybe you can add audio cassettes or videos. Perhaps you can provide some online tools or a forum for customers in a "members only" area. 3. This product upsells. The basic product of Fat Loss For Idiots sells for $39, but just before making payment the customer has an option to add a dieting system "Beyond Calories" for an additional $16.95. Some publishers do this after payment, by taking the customer to a special "One-Time-Offer" page where they can buy something else, usually at heavily discounted rate. 4. This ebook includes a guarantee. Many ebooks come with a satisfaction guarantee and it is mandatory for ebooks selling through ClickBank. Fat Loss For Idiots comes with a Weight Loss Guarantee - if you don't lose weight you can request a full refund. 5. This ebook has a ton of affiliates. The gravity rating of this product at ClickBank is currently over 500, which means that there is a huge number of affiliates who have earned a commission by referring this publisher's product in the past 8 weeks. You should work hard to recruit affiliates to promote your ebook. 6. The sales page of this ebook converts. And they have a number of different landing pages to suit various affiliates. A good publisher knows that they must continually split test and improve their sales copy in order to bring in the most sales. Affiliates will appreciate this too. They will soon stop promoting your ebook if your sales page does not convert well. Those were just a few quick observations and they are just the tip of the iceberg of what has contributed to this product's success. You should take a closer look now at what they are doing to make their ebook a bestseller.
Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network http://aaeln.com (African American Electronic Literary Network) Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil www.redrosepublishing.com |
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