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Monday, February 22, 2010

ARTICLE: Book Marketing Maven - 3 Steps to Successfully Market a Book for a Market-Challenged Author

The Savvy Book Marketer

Book Marketing Maven - 3 Steps to Successfully Market a Book for a Market-Challenged Author

3 Steps to Successfully Market a Book for a Market-Challenged Author

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 03:06 AM PST

Kathy_head_shot_copy In today's guest post, author and online marketing expert Kathleen Gage shares her tips for successful book marketing.

Ask most any author what they love most about writing and they will likely say writing the book. The second most rewarding aspect of writing is the feedback they get from readers, with book sales next and marketing way down the list of "love to do's". 

Even though you, as an author, may not know how to market or just don't like marketing, the fact remains that without marketing you likely won't have sales, and without sales you won't hear much back from readers because you won't have many. 

As a self-published author or one published by an independent publisher, the responsibility of marketing rests on your shoulders. If you're an independent publisher, it is to your benefit to work with your authors, helping them to understand the importance of their involvement in marketing. 

Marketing used to be some mysterious process by which a book made its way into the hands of the reader. Today, with the onslaught of social media, marketing and promotions is not so mysterious, but more like sharing with a friend than some "it's all about the numbers" process.

With social networks, blogs, web radio, teleseminars, online article directories, virtual-book tours, and video sites galore, authors have so many options that the challenge today can be narrowing down what will give the author the greatest return on time invested.

read more at: http://bookmarketingmaven.typepad.com/book_marketing_maven/2010/02/3-steps-to-successfully-market-a-book-for-a-marketchallenged-author-.html

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