Tell ESSENCE: Know where to meet great Black men? Know a great working mom? Where are the Black men? Are you always meeting great men at places and functions most sisters are unaware of or overlook? wants YOU to tell us where we can meet attractive, single men! We've already highlighted the following: Grocery store, Bookstore, Church, Train/Bus, Weddings, Concert, Airports and sports bars, Salsa clubs, Home Depot, Gyms, Gas stations, Alumni associations, Weekly social event, Barbershop, Ski Trips Tell us where else can we meet single men (and make sure you explain why you chose that particular place). Don't forget to include your name, age and city of residence in your e-mail. Please pass this along to your friends. Send all responses to Porsche at ___________________________________________________________ Wanted: Phenomenal Working Moms ESSENCE is on the lookout for African-American working moms who manage to balance having a great career with taking wonderful care of their family and themselves! These super-moms need to be willing to share their secrets to success: Do they enlist her older kids to help younger siblings with homework? Do they trade off babysitting with other girlfriends who have kids? Did they start their own business so they could make their own hours at home? We're open to everyone, but would love to profile: • a single or divorced mom • a mom who stays at home, but runs her own business • a mom with a developmentally disabled child • a mom with a very large family (more than five kids) • a mom with multiples who are still young Moms, please email us at and tell us about your family, your career, and how you look out for yourself as well. Please include your name, age, geographic location and a photo of yourself. Thanks much! -------------------- To reply to this message, follow the link below: Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
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