Got Books? Help Strengthen Detroit's Literary Community!Starting from November 13, 2010 to April 30th 2010, it will be my mission for a year to try to collect 100, 000 books for the Metro Detroit Literary Community. I know the impact of books in a home for a child and I want to give every home that doesn't have books in Detroit some. This sounds like an interesting challenge and I'm asking everyone to help me.
Why? I love books. My mother put that love in my heart way before I came into this earth and I'm blessed to have passed this love to my children. Now I want to share my love with everyone out there who struggles to make a choice to buy a book or pay a bill in Detroit. I don't want to see anyone have to make that choice. Plus statistics states even one book in a household increases the chances of a child graduating from high school* If you would like to drop your book off in person, subscribe to this site (see sidebar) and when you see I'm having an event, come and bring your books to donate (while picking up a couple of copies of mine - although that's not a requirement). Sylvia Hubbard |
Book Update
A guide for writers with or without published work. A comprehensive resource that every writer should have in their library in order to learn how to publish, promote, and market themselves on the Internet.
Is your book project ready for the next E-Revolution?
Friday, December 31, 2010
[Motown Writers Network] =?utf-8?B?R290IEJvb2tzPyBIZWxwIFN0cmVuZ3RoZW4gRGV0cm9pd
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
[Motown Writers Network] The 2nd annual Detroit Independent Film Festival 2011 C
Internet: VIDEO: Facebook Privacy Settings
How to Write a Short Book to Brand your Business
If you are a business, you always need to think promotion and marketing to maintain financial success. And, you may be missing an important part of that marketing if you don't have book that reflects the skills you offer your audience. A book is the number one way to educate your audience. And educating is the best marketing there is. Your book doesn't have to be with a publisher, or be a long book. Or even, a print book. When you keep an open mind to the new ways of getting more visibility and credibility, you will want to strategize those results with a book. Read more at =============== Book Coach Judy Cullins helps you in business to write a "best seller" and build your brand with a short book. Author: Write your eBook Other Short Book-Fast , LinkedIn Marketing: 8 Best Tactics to Build Book and Business Sales, and Advanced Article Marketing to sell all the books and get all the clients you need. Since 1985 Wow! Click to get fresh, free, weekly publications on book writing, self publishing, and online marketing Network with Judy on... =============== 619/466-0622 |
Here's How to Get Publicity That Will Stick by @pamperry
"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him." John Maxwell
If you really want to "get out there" - make sure your packaging is tight. Work on the outside packaging as well as the "inside package." If not, you'll be hiring a publicist to do crisis PR for you because you'll need someone to do reputation management. And it's harder to stop bad press than to create good press!
So, what is the Edge? It's that "IT" factor that propels success in life. Do you have it? People who have the Edge share a number of characteristics. They are successful, but never at the expense of others. They are people who genuinely love and care about others. They abide by the Golden Rule and excellence (not perfection) is their goal.
They are long-term survivors in the business world, which has a way of devouring its own. They survive because they maintain friends. Relationships are the key to their success. They know more than networking.
They connect with others and click!
They keep these friends because they are loyal to them. Their networks invariably describe them, in glowing terms.
Here are some of the qualities that can help you develop the Edge - which is essential before any PR campaign is to begin.
1. DEPENDABILITY. Do what you say you will do. This can be tricky, because it involves a certain amount of self knowledge and self management. If you say you'll follow up by 9 a.m. Friday, you have to know what is feasible for you to be true to your word. How long will it take you to finish a project based on other things going on? You keep your schedule and know your work habits..
Never say, "I can not" before you've tried.
2. TRUSTWORTHINESS. You may hear gossip, but you do not have to pass it along. Don't spread something that is confidential. If you get a reputation for discretion, everyone will confide in you and you will know everything that is going on, even if you do not talk about it.
3. RESPONSIBILITY. People with the Edge accept responsibility for their actions and don't blame others if they fail. They don't make excuses and freely give credit to their associates. They are quick to apologize when they are wrong. A great trait to have!
4. COMMUNICATION. Keep in touch. Call people back. Be a nice person and write short, friendly email or regular notes to stay in touch. If you are in contact with your network of friends and associates when things are going along fine for you - you'll see that they'll be there when you need them. Don't just reach out to people when you need a "favor." People know when they are being used.
5. GENEROSITY. Make a habit of being generous and kind. Do things for free without expecting a return for it. Volunteer. Give away information or small bits of advice. Pass along job leads and provide tips to those looking for a job. Look for opportunities to put people in touch with each other. Be known as a "go to" person. Someone who is a "giver" not a "taker."
If you recommend a friend for a job or give them a lead for some business, you have given that friend a tremendous compliment and you have earned some long-term loyalty.
Even though you sometimes must say no to a request, make sure in some way you are always saying yes. Here is one way to do it. Whenever you decide you can not do something, give a credible reason then offer to help in some other way: "I can not attend this event because I am right in the middle of this assignment, but I would give you another person who would be willing to go and they would really get a lot out of it."
6. COURTESY AND KINDNESS. If you can't pray about it - don't talk about. Speak well of people or do not speak at all. This includes people who have fired you, wronged you or spoken badly about you. This is really how to have the Edge! This will toughen you up and mold your humility.
Display good manner at all times, particularly with those who actively antagonize you. It will drive them absolutely crazy. It may also win them over. The Golden Rule at work - will yield Gold every time. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you!
7. INTEGRITY AND ETHICS. If you can't do it in front of your child, then don't do. If it makes you uncomfortable or you feel a "ping" in your spirit - that's a sign that is telling you you've crossed the line and in a danger zone. Develop a standard of behavior you can live with. Let your conscience be your guide. Let peace rule. This means when you make a tough decision, you feel you have done the right thing, even if it hurts.
8. PERSISTENCE. No one is ever a success in life unless they know how to persist. This is probably the most single way to get the EDGE!
Victory is assured to those who endure - until the end. Almost everyone has one good idea, one good effort, one good impulse. People with the Edge prove themselves by repeatedly being willing to do what others will not. They are not quitters. They are relentless and will try every angle and research every opportunity - and because they are relationship driven - will enlist the help of their friends.
People with the Edge can get everyone in the boat rowing in the same direction.
Before you think a good photo, brochure, corporate logo, website and press kit will give you the Edge - think again. The Edge is takes time to develop. Character counts and it starts on the inside. It starts at home. It starts within.
No amount of PR can promote the right message if you don't have the right interior motives. It takes time to become that sharp, so you might as well start now: in business, you are only as good as your relationships - with God, Yourself and others.
Ministry marketing pioneer, Social media strategist and PR Coach Pam Perry helps African American Christian authors garner publicity and leverage online strategies. As a 20-year PR veteran, she is also the co-author of "Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry." For a free MP3 of "What Every Author Should Know," go to She's also the creator of the ChocolatePagesNetwork, a social network for Christian authors and the Chocolate Pages Show on Blogtalkradio. She offers free help at her blogsite: with her podcasts, Ezines and teleclasses. Article Source: | |
Download the book that will help you understand your journey on the Internet.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
ARTICLE: How to Create a Monthly Coaching Business in 30 Days or Less
In this article, I am going to lay out my entire simple plan for creating a coaching business from scratch, in 30 days or less, using article marketing as your marketing base, using your own expertise as your knowledge base, and using my proprietary system of fast coaching program creation "on the fly" as your coaching model.
Note: I have never revealed all of these details to the general public, I normally reserve this information for my highest level Platinum coaching clients. Why am I revealing this now to you?
Because I want to see you succeed. You see, this year has been tough financially for a lot of people, especially entrepreneurs and people who have service oriented businesses. And the thing is, I know exactly what to do and how to do it to help those entrepreneurs break free and create their own coaching program fast, by ignoring many of the "rules" others have created about coaching programs. And until now I have only shared these steps with a few people.
But I feel as though by not sharing it with more people, with many more people, I am holding you back. So I want to stop the madness, and start enabling you to have the same success I do by coaching others, simply and easily.
And let me tell you this. It's not hard. Many gurus and coaches make this hard. They make it sound like it is alot of work to create a coaching program. And the way they do it, it is. But let me tell you this, my first coaching program...I thought of it, asked my subscribers what they wanted it to look like and include, launched it, and enrolled 22 clients - in about 2 weeks start to finish. And each week I created a lesson for them. It was really easy the way I did it.
And in today's article, I am going to show you how to do it yourself, from scratch.
Obviously, if you already have some things in place, then you are a step up already. Like if you have subscribers, buyers, etc.. But I am going to write this from the perspective of starting from scratch, you can simply go faster if you already have some things in place.
Here's the plan:
I am going to give you the background first, then I will give you the step by step details.
You are going to quickly build a list of subscribers who perceive you as the right expert for them, to teach them what they need to know.
Then you are going to launch to them a simple coaching program that meets their needs, is easy for you to deliver, and creates monthly coaching revenue for you.
Here is an example - let's assume a $500 per month coaching program. You enroll 5 people per month. There is a bit of a snowball effect that happens.
First month: 5 clients - $2500 per month.
Second month: add 5 more - total 10 clients: $5000
Third month, add 5 more - total 15 clients: $7500
Each month you add more clients.
Of course, some months you add more than others. Some months a client or two might drop out. But the idea is that your income grows each month. If you charge more for coaching than $500 per month, and sign more clients, it happens faster. If you charge less than $500 per month, or sign less than 5 new clients per month it grows slower. But all in all, the idea is that each month you add more guaranteed monthly revenue than the month before.
Do you like this model?
If not, the rest of this article is not for you.
Just close this page.
But...if you like this model...keep reading...because I can teach you exactly how to do it.
Here's how:
You MUST have a squeeze page to create a subscriber list. You cannot sell a coaching program the way I teach to a cold market. That means you MUST build a list of subscribers with whom you can build trust and relationship. Create a 10 day credibility campaign where you send an email a day out to your list, not selling anything, just building trust and credibility.
You will write about 10 articles per day to create traffic. This is easy to do if you do it like I do. Many clients when they start with me they tell me it takes them 3-4 hours to write one article. I change that fast, you cannot write 10 articles per day if it takes you 3-4 hours to write one article. Instead, you must write one article every 15 minutes, then 10 articles takes 2.5 hours per day. And this is the biggest part of this plan, so your total day is 2.5 hours writing articles,.25 hours submitting articles, then about 1/2 an hour doing everything about 3.25 hours per day to build this business. There is no fluff in my model. Do only what I teach, don't do a bunch of other things like reading tons of emails, studying YouTubes, Googling things, etc., they only burn time in your day. You don't have time to burn if you want to have a full-scale coaching business in 30 days.
Here is how you write an article in 15 minutes:
Write a title - for example "How to Do xyz (your niche topic) (30 seconds)
Write the following paragraph:
In this article I am going to teach you how to do xyz. The reason I am going to teach you how to do xyz is because you need to know how to do xyz in order to be successful at abc. Here are the 3 steps I am going to teach you about how to do xyz: step one is xyz and blah blah blah. Step two is abc and blah blah blah. Step three is def and blah blah blah. If you do these three steps you will have success with xyz fast. (5 minutes)
Ready? Here are the steps:
(Note: that was exactly 100 words. Exactly. And it will be more for you because you will be spelling out xyz, abc, def, blah, blah blah. That might be 150 words!)
Back to the article:
Step one: write 75 words on how to do step one (that is about 3 sentences. Just tell them how to do it. Just like I am telling you how to do it. Simple. Keep this simple. Really simple. If you make this difficult, you won't be able to accomplish this project in 30 days. But if you make this simple, like I teach, you can. (2 minutes)
Step two: write 75 words on how to do step two (2 minutes)
Step three: write 75 words on how to do step three. (2 minutes)
(Note: do you see how easy this is? Write 100-150 words introduction using my above formula. Then 3 steps of 75 words. That gives you about 30 words. That's it. Really simple) (total time: 11 minutes 30 seconds)
Ok, back to the steps on how to create the coaching program:
Now that you are writing 10 articles per day, you should be getting about 10 subscribers per day. So after 30 days, you have 300 articles and 300 subscribers. At the end of your 10 day credibility campaign, you are going to send an email out that looks like this:
Dear subscriber,
I am in the process of creating a brand new coaching program to help you with xyz. But I want to make sure it is exactly what you need to help you with xyz. So I need your help.
What is your goal for the next 90 days with xyz?
What is the biggest thing holding you back from achieving your goal in 90 days?
By the way, if you respond personally in the next 24 hours, I will promise to personally respond back to you.
To your success,
Your Name
When they respond to the answer in 2) they will be telling you what they need to learn in your coaching program!
Then you are going to write a letter to all your subscribers telling them you have created a coaching program based on what they told you they need, and you are going to include everything everybody told you they needed.
And then they are going to sign up for your coaching program from your sales letter. Then some people won't sign up because they have questions. So you are going to send another email out asking them if they have any questions before they sign up. And then some people will sign up after that. And so on. And of course each day you are adding 10 more subscribers to your list, and after 10 days on your list, each person starts getting these emails automatically. So each day you have 10 more prospects.
And of course notice that you haven't created the coaching program until they tell you what they want, and then once they sign up, you create the first lesson based on what the first person needs. So you haven't even created your coaching program until the first person signs up. Then one week later, you create your second lesson (by now you might have 5 people signed up). Each week you simply create one more lesson.
Sean Mize teaches online coaches, consultants, and marketers how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Article Writing for Coaches - Tips to Establish Your Authority in Your Niche
If you're one of those people who are offering coaching programs in the World Wide Web, you must seriously consider exerting conscious effort in positioning yourself as an expert in your chosen niche. You need to convince your prospects that you have what it takes to help them solve their problems, to learn certain things, or that you can help them get to where they would like to be. You can showcase your in-depth knowledge by writing and distributing articles online. Here are some tips that you can surely make use of:
First, make sure that you do know and fully understand the people that you're targeting. This is your best weapon in making your articles more focused, more targeted, and more impacting. Know the topics that they find extremely interesting. Get to know their problems, burning questions, and goals especially those that are related to your niche. Then, identify their preferences and levels of expertise. Through this, you'll easily figure out the techniques and writing styles to use in order to easily get through to these people.
Offer how-to guides. You'll easily be able to capture the attention of your target audience if you offer them with useful how-to guides. For example, if you're coaching other people on how to improve their social skills, you can offer them with guide on how to they can improve their self-confidence. Offer them with highly effective tips and techniques. Through this, your readers will surely be convinced that you really do know what you're doing. This is the first step to earn their trust and respect.
Put some personal touch on your articles. Your prospects would surely want to work with somebody who's amiable or someone who's very easy to work with. Project that exact image through your articles by writing using friendly, conversational tone. Be fun and witty. Tell exciting stories and make learning a fun experience to your readers. If you do this, I can say that you'll win half the battle of getting these people to do business with you.
Write more articles. One way to strengthen your expert status is to share as much in-depth information to your readers as possible. This is the reason why I recommend that you multiply the number of articles that you distribute in the online arena. Ensure that each of them is high quality, impressive, and worth your readers' time. Also, ensure that they're well-written, 100% unique, useful, and very informative.
Get feedback. Know what your readers think about your articles. Get their feedback to easily identify your strengths and weaknesses. Then, find ways on how you can improve your copies. This may mean improving your writing skills or making your articles more focused to the needs and demands of your target audience.
By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
[Motown Writers Network] Discuss Your Book Marketing Needs 4the New Year 2day w/
Join us soon on the MLN Radio Show Call In # 1 (646) 915-9177 or go to: Did you ever want to know how to promote your book without breaking the bank? Would you like to have a five minute consult with a book marketing expert FREE? JOIN US LIVE or podcast l8r This is the show could change your book marketing for the New Year! Call or visit us on the site! Call In # 1 (646) 915-9177 or go to: Sylvia Hubbard |
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Valuing Your Subscribers to Ensure Continuous List Building Success
Having a large list of targeted subscribers is still the best Internet marketing strategy around. However, as mentioned, you need to have a targeted list. Merely having a large list does not cover it.
Keep in mind that size doesn't always guarantee quality. You can still find your measure of success in list building even if you have a decent sized list. All you need to do is to figure out how you can work with your list so as to convert it into loyal customers.
First of all, you need to understand the purpose of having a list. It can serve as your instant connection with your consumers. Your list enables you to get as much information as you can about your subscribers in a matter of seconds. So if you want to test a product before fully launching it, you don't need to spend time looking for people. A responsive list can help you get answers. This means, you can save a great deal of money and time.
Your email list can provide you with an unprecedented level of access which can't be underestimated. If you make the mistake of ignoring or misusing your list, you can lose your subscribers and affect your business in an instant.
In order to enjoy continuous success, you need to give your list a good purpose and a plausible reason to exist. You can send them weekly flyers or monthly newsletters. This should give them something to look forward to. There is also a big difference if you will send them things once a week or once a month to sending them things once every 6 months or even once a year. If you will do this, you will just find yourself worrying over a reduced list.
Your subscribers should feel valued. To do this, you need to let them know that you are thinking of them. You cannot project the impression that you are ignoring them. Similar to having a virtual store with walk-in customers, if you don't pay attention to these people, they end up walking out of your store. Take note that customers can only tolerate this behavior for so long.
News can travel. So if word about those bad experiences gets out, you will have a hard time building up trust and respect in the Internet marketing world again. Thus, having an open communication with your subscribers is very essential to the success of your campaign.
Do you want to learn more about how I do article marketing? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success:
Download it free here: Article Writing Success
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
[Motown Writers Network] Motown Writers Meetup Group Monthly Meetup - Holiday Ga
Motown Writers Meetup Group Monthly Meetup - Holiday Gathering Dec 11 Sat 10:00 AM
As we speak about our annual successes and challenges, we invite all writers, authors, poets and more to come out with a gift to exchange with someone else. See ya Sat. Also bring your literary challenges, new books to announce and achievements. Sylvia Hubbard |
From #Amazon: Every Website Can Now Be a Bookstore
Websites are invited to participate in decentralized e-book sales
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Amazon and its affiliates operate websites, including,,,,,,, and As used herein, "," "we," "our" and similar terms include, Inc., and its subsidiaries, unless the context indicates otherwise.
Forward-Looking Statements
This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Actual results may differ significantly from management's expectations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to competition, management of growth, new products, services and technologies, potential fluctuations in operating results, international expansion, outcomes of legal proceedings and claims, fulfillment center optimization, seasonality, commercial agreements, acquisitions and strategic transactions, foreign exchange rates, system interruption, inventory, government regulation and taxation, payments and fraud. More information about factors that potentially could affect's financial results is included in's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent filings.
SOURCE:, Inc., Inc.
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