If you have trouble accessing any links or titles, please go directly to our blog @ http://motownwriters.blogspot.com Visit our new website: http://MotownWriters.com | http://MichiganLiteraryNetwork.com  If you have trouble accessing any links or titles, please go directly to our blog @ http://motownwriters.blogspot.com Why not bring in 2010 with your book(s) on the shelves of America's libraries? Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:35 PM PST http://authorcollective.comThe Author Collective is here to help the unknown, little known and soon to be well known self-published author put their writings in the faces of the people who buy in quantity. We also give guidance to writers wanting to publish and print their books. This no cost information save our members thousands of dollars over the so-called self-publishing houses. Join us as  | Come join me at Write your Vision – Create your Dream Team on Michigan Literary Network Posted: 30 Dec 2009 08:50 PM PST Michigan Literary Network link to the literary network in Detroit & source for all things literary in Mich Sylvia Hubbard Sylvia Hubbard has invited you to the event 'Write your Vision – Create your Dream Team' on Michigan Literary  | Literary Mama Creative Nonfiction Call for Submissions Posted: 30 Dec 2009 08:41 PM PST Literary Mama Creative Nonfiction Department seeks: * creative nonfiction for Special Theme issues below * We prefer previously unpublished work. We will consider reprints, however, if you have the rights and the work is not currently available online. * Authors retain rights. Please credit us if your work is republished. * Standard response time from 3-12 weeks. Our reading periods  | Support Your Community with the Humanities in 2010 Posted: 30 Dec 2009 03:30 PM PST | BRING IN THE NEW YEAR with A GREAT BOOK TO READ: Early Departures for the Sun Posted: 30 Dec 2009 11:48 AM PST Early Departures for the Sun by Raymond SturgisIn this book, the first of eleven series presented by Love Works Entertainment, consist of touching poems and literary works that express how and why we must clearly understand that violence is closer to us than we realizeCheck out this member's profile at: http://motownwriters.ning.com/profile/RaymondSturgisEarly Departures for the Sun, is a  | Fw: Seasons Greetings from the Kent District Library Fund Posted: 30 Dec 2009 10:10 AM PST For today . . . for tomorrow . . . for forever. In This Issue SUPPORTING EARLY LITERACY WILL YOU LEAVE A LEGACY? YEAR END SAVINGS MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM DONATE TO THE KDL FUND DID YOU KNOW? The KDL Fund has already  | Announcing "Motown Writers January Meetup", Saturday, January 9, 2010 10:00 AM! Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:31 AM PST #yiv1863171609 a, #yiv1863171609 a:link, #yiv1863171609 a:visited { color:#0066BB;} #yiv1863171609 p{padding:5px 0;} Meetup Announcement Motown Writers Meetup Group Your group has a Meetup Saturday, January 9, 2010 10:00 AM! What Motown Writers January Meetup When Saturday, January 9, 2010 10:00 AM Where  | Michigan Film Office December 2009 Newsletter "Out Takes" Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:25 AM PST (click image for a larger size!)Good Afternoon, We are pleased to present the first Michigan Film Office newsletter, MFO Out-Takes. We hope you enjoy it. Best wishes, Jackie Wressell Executive Assistant to the Director Michigan Film Office 300 N. Washington Square – 4th Floor Lansing, MI 48913 (517)335-2693 – Direct (800)477-3456 – Office wressellj@michigan.  | LAST DAY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 5 FOR $50 SPECIAL!!! Posted: 30 Dec 2009 06:40 AM PST For a Limited Time The Michigan Literary Network offers 5 for $50.00 on your promotion! New Year's is just around the corner with Thanksgiving and Christmas leading the way. Prepare now and let us promote your next upcoming event or book promotion. For a limited time we are scheduling eblasts at our special price of 5 for $50.00! Also Buy now and use later! What a great way to set your  | Plowshares Theatre Company Needs You Posted: 30 Dec 2009 06:33 AM PST December 29, 2009 Greetings! There are 48 hours left in 2009. And Plowshares Theatre Company needs your help. We are pulling out all of the stops to end this year in a big way. I'm urging you to do your part by sending a powerful signal of support for Michigan's only professional African American Theatre. Make a tax  | Fw: Holiday Giving from InsideOut Literary Arts Posted: 30 Dec 2009 05:50 AM PST | Fw: News from Michigan Author, Irma Givens Posted: 30 Dec 2009 05:50 AM PST January 2010 Note from Irma  | Michigan Author Steve Hamilton at Aunt Agatha's Book Jan. 16 at 1:30 p.m. Posted: 30 Dec 2009 05:49 AM PST Where: 213 S. 4th Ave.Ann Arbor734-769-1114Aunt Agatha's Book Shop Website Admission: Free Michigan native, Hopwood- and Edgar-award-winning author Steve Hamilton visit is Aunt Agatha's to talk about and sign his new novel, "The Lock Artist", set mostly in Milford, his hometown. Hamilton is also the author of the Alex McKnight series, set in Paradise, Michigan.  | IntMark4Writers&Businesses: Ebooks Outsell Real Books, Publicity Planner, Facebook Guidebook & more Posted: 30 Dec 2009 05:41 AM PST IntMark4Writers&Businesses #yiv1917654920 h1 a:hover {background-color:#888;color:#fff important;} #yiv1917654920 div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div ul { list-style-type:square;padding-left:1em;} #yiv1917654920 div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div blockquote { padding-left:6px;border-left:6px solid #dadada;margin-left:1em;} #yiv1917654920 div#emailbody table# | [Motown Writers Network] You're invited to attend "Write your Vision – Build you Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:52 PM PST Can't see this email? Click here: http://writevisionbuilddreamteam.eventbrite.com |
| Hi, I thought you would find this event of interest: Event: Write your Vision – Build your Dream Team in 2010 Date: Saturday, January 02, 2010 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (ET) Location: Embassy Suites Hotel 28100 Franklin Road Southfield, MI 48034 Hosted By: Jillian Blackwell Agency and Black eCommerce |
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Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network & The African American Electronic Literary Network
Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business
NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil www.redrosepublishing.com
Connect with me on Facebook http://facebook.com/sylviahubbard & Twitter.com @ username: sylviahubbard1
