Book Update

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

A-B-C-D Formula Skyrockets Your Online Subscriptions

A-B-C-D Formula

Skyrockets Your Online


Ask any serious website owner to name their

number one challenge in ecommerce and

they'll usually tell you either "lack of sales" or

"lack of subscribers." I'm here to tell you that if

you can get your subscriber count up, your

sales problems will disappear as if by magic. If

targeted traffic represents the "lifeblood" of a

website, then a targeted subscriber list

represents the "heart and soul." If you want to

take your online business to the next level by

massively increasing the number of

subscribers you have, then follow the A-B-C-D

formula for skyrocketing your subscriber base.

A – Audio Instructions

If you want people to sign up to your

newsletter, mini-course, updates, or any other

list – tell them! Use audio to draw people's

attention to the fact that you operate a list they

can sign up for and get your messages. People

get "tunnel vision" online and unless you draw

their attention to the fact that they can sign up,

most will miss it. A simple message that plays

automatically when they get to the appropriate

page on your site will do wonders for your optin

rate. Try something like this: "Hi, this is YOUR

NAME and welcome to my website. You're

about to discover BENEFIT and BENEFIT. Go

ahead and enter your name and primary email

address in the box, and you'll receive more

information. Also, as a special bonus just for

signing up, I'll give you BONUS. So go ahead,

enter your name and primary email address

and click the button right now."

B- Bonus "Bribe"

People don't want to give you their email

address. Not because they don't like you, but

because they don't want to get spam and they

don't want to waste time (both of which they

see, at least subconsciously, as the risk of

giving you their email address). To overcome

this reluctance, you must bribe them with

something that motivates them more than their

fear of spam. Often a free report, free audio,

"white paper," free video, or something else

related to the topic of your list will make a great

bonus bribe. This not only lets them test your

wares, but will also start the dialogue with them

that creates a successful list relationship for


C – "Click Here"

Tell them where to click and why to click.

Change the text on the button of your

subscription form from "Submit" to something

catchy like "Click Here to Get Your Free

Report!" This alone has proven to massively

increase response rates simply because it puts

a self-serving thought in the subscriber's mind

right at the point of decision. Almost nobody

wants to "submit," but plenty of people want

"Your Free Report!"

D – Double Box

If you want to increase subscriptions, get up to

bat more often when it comes to making the

subscription offer. Place a subscription box at

the bottom of virtually every page on your

website or blog. Put another box on the same

pages near the top at every opportunity, but be

smart about it so you don't detract from a

particular page's message. However, this

"double box" approach will increase your

subscriptions by the sheer fact that more

people will see your offer and can take

advantage of it.

A big subscriber list doesn't happen by magic,

but rather as the result of strategy. If you want

a bigger subscriber list, then you must always

look for and test various opportunities on your

website to let subscribers know you have a list,

why they should sign up, and a self-serving

reason to sign up right now!

About The Author

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper

columnist and the author of an incredible FREE

webinar that teaches you exactly how to use

simple, UGLY little mini-websites you build in

an afternoon to explode your online profits.

FREE 90-Minute Webinar Replay ($97 Value)

Reveals All The Secrets To Cashing-in FAST

with your own online business.

Get your FREE copy of Jim Edwards'

"Next Generation Mini-Site Strategies v2.0"

Webinar TODAY


Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network
http://aaeln.com (African American Electronic Literary Network)
Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business
NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now
Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil www.redrosepublishing.com

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