In the internet marketing industry you will most likely come across many websites such as blogs and squeeze pages that will offer free ebooks as a marketing tool. You've signed up for them haven't you? We all have. It works and will continue to work because everyone likes free stuff. Here are some reasons why you should use ebooks in your online business. Ebooks are probably the easiest to produce and it doesn't take long to produce one. Do you write articles? Do you have any on your hard drive? Just simply open up a word document and copy and paste them in. If you're not good at writing then you can get re brandable ebooks, just do a search online for "re brandable ebooks". Give them away to your subscribers as a free gift and encourage them to pass it to their friends and family. The success of your ebook depends on how good your ebook is. If it's boring and has no character to it, then it will have less chance of being passed around but if you inject some personality, enthusiasm or humour, then it is more likely to be passed around. They are also good at building a reputation for your business. The good thing about viral ebooks is not just for traffic building but it can increase sales. Your ebook might have an affiliate link in it and if someone purchases through that link you will get commission. There's more, you can simply put in a link and say: "For more updates click here" which might send them to your opt in page. Now you have a chance to build a relationship with them.
Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network (African American Electronic Literary Network) Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil |
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3 weeks ago
ReplyDeleteIn order to increase the spread of your viral eBook, you need to give your readers a reason to want to pass it around. A simple, yet powerful, way to do this is through branding. This gives your readers the ability to change certain parts of your eBook with their information.