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Monday, September 7, 2009

Brian Jud's Book Marketing Newsletter - September 7, 2009

Book Marketing Matters
Brian Jud's free, bi-weekly ezine dedicated to helping you get your fair share of the special-sales markets, and sell more books profitably

Volume 8, Issue 18, Number 184     September 7, 2009
In This Issue
Featured Article
Featured Article
Eric Kampmann
Dan Poynter
Cover Story
Marcella Smith
Judith Briles
You're On The Air
John Kremer
Dick Margulis
Rick Frishman
The Very Idea
Penny Sansevieri
Pam Lontos
Roger C. Parker
Robin Bartlett
Brian Jud on Planning
Brian Jud on Strategy
Dana Lynn Smith
Paulette Ensign
Special-Sales Tips
Guest Columnist
Website of the Week
Jud's Free Webinars
Buy Lines
Brian Jud's New Book
Quick Links

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Here is your September 7 edition of my special-sales ezine. It contains regular columns with tips from Dan Poynter, John Kremer, Marcella Smith, Penny Sansevieri, Rick Frishman, Eric Kampmann, Pam Lontos, Paulette Ensign, Judith Briles, Robin Bartlett, Dick Margulis, Dana Smith and Roger C. Parker. The guest columnist in this issue is Liz Nakazawa.
This is sent by subscription only. Please pass this information along to people you feel may benefit by it. If there were any problems with this delivery, please let me know.If you no longer wish to receive this -- or if you received it in error -- please unsubscribe below.

Happy Labor Day and I wish you success in your book-marketing efforts, Brian Jud

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Notes From the Front Lines
(Excerpted - with permission - from the Book Publishers' Handbook, by Eric Kampmann, President, Midpoint Trade Books ekampmann@aol.com)
You have a brilliant book idea. You know it will be a huge bestseller. It needs to be published immediately...but are you right? Sometimes, before you set out on the arduous journey to get your book for your anxious audience, you need to seriously assess your chances of success. Here's one approach: Try to figure out the ideal entry point for your book. For some, it might mean starting with a POD company or printing your own digital copies. For others, it might mean finding the right distributor to help you get you book properly sold and distributed in the book trade. Finally, for others it might mean finding the right agent to handle your book with major publishers. None of these paths ensure success, but all of them open up doors that might be just the right way to build toward a happy ending.

Poynter's Pointers
(Excerpted - with permission - from Dan Poynter's Fifteenth Edition of The Self-Publishing Manual: http://www.parapublishing.com)
Foreign Rights. Use email to ask foreign publishers if they would like to buy subsidiary rights and translate your book into their language. Send publishers directly to a rights section on your Web site. That section will provide a complete book, author bio, testimonials, cover image, news releases, back cover sales copy and other promotional materials. Capture their address when they log on. Then follow up with email.
For foreign publisher email addresses, see International Literary Market Place. It lists publishers outside North America by country. Start with the major language groups: Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Japan. Select
publishers that publish in your subject area. If you can't find many, email the national publishing association for that particular country, describe your book and ask for suggested matching publishers.
Use every means possible to send people to your site. List your URL in ads, your .sig, and anywhere you might ordinarily leave your telephone number.

The Cover Story - Michelle DeFilippo
(Your cover is a critical part of your marketing effort. Contact Michele  at 1106 Design today for book cover design with hand holding. (602) 866-3226 or http://www.1106design.com)
Rufus cover 2
In Rufus Steele: 1938, a young adult novel by Susan Turner, the goal was to visually recreate the time period of the story. A classic car fit the bill nicely, since the main character is a physician who makes house calls. The story also includes a close call with a bear, so we placed this image in a size that would convey the threat, but ghosted it back into the sepia-toned sky so it wouldn't compete with the foreground. Of course, the sky is normally blue, but we chose a sepia tone to communicate that the time period was long ago.

Marcella's Magic
(Marcella Smith, Small Press Business Manager, Barnes & Noble)
The question of what makes a good book is a very large question and it's also an easy question to answer. A good book is a book that people want. How do you make a book that people want? You give them information that they need, that they are asking for, whether its a story in the form of fiction, mystery, collection of poetry, a western, or whether or not it's in a business book.

The Book Shepherd
(Judith Briles, www.TheBookShepherd.com Follow me on Twitter, http://twitter.com/JudithBriles)
Editing Isn't a Bad Word. Why so many authors think that their friend who teaches literature at the local college, or their sister who loves everything they write and do is the perfect editor for their work is beyond me. Your editor can make or break your work-she can shape and shore it up ... or, put in some commas and check your spelling. There are now more self and independent published books than those produced by the traditional NY houses-and too, too many have minimal, if any, editing. Think "ruthless editing." Cut and shape, hire a pro-and, when in doubt, cut it out.

You're On The Air
(Jim Bohannon, Host of the nationally broadcast Jim Bohannon Show)
A good guest is someone who can speak passionately, a person who communicates with the audience.

Kremer's Korner
(Excerpted - with permission - from John Kremer's Sixth Edition of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books. Contact John at http://www.bookmarket.com)
Offer free excerpts of parts of your book to any magazine or newsletter that expresses an interest (or to those that reach your target audience). Stipulate that they may reprint the excerpt free as long as they provide a statement at the end of the article describing how the book may be ordered. That statement should include the title and author of the book, the name and address of your company, and the price of the book, plus any other appropriate ordering instructions

Interior Designing
(Dick Margulis, editor and book designer, New Haven, Connecticut.
Contact Dick at dick@dmargulis.com)
It figures. One of the features of modern, high-quality Open Type fonts is the availability of different styles of figures, as shown here.

figure styles In designing a book, it's typical to select which figures to use for different purposes based on the nature of the book. It
would be typical in an engineering text, for example, to use lining figures, just as it would be typical in a history book-especially one with dates scattered about every page-to use oldstyle figures.
Tabular figures line up in columns, which is important when presenting numerical data in tables (including the table of contents, by the way). Tabular figures are also typically used for folios (page numbers). Proportional figures help maintain the even color within a block of running text.
A word about superscripts, subscripts, and fractions: These features are set with their own special sets of glyphs, and the design is almost always of the tabular lining variety. It's generally a mistake, though, to use the full-size tabular lining figures and just scale them down and fiddle with the baseline. It's always better to use the glyphs designed for the purpose, as they'll be much more legible.

Author 101
(Excerpted - with permission - from Author 101: Bestselling Book Publicity, by Rick Frishman and Robyn Spizman; FRISHMANR@PlannedTVArts.com or  www.author101.com)
Test your book ideas to determine if they're sufficient for an entire book. Many great ideas are simply not meaty enough for a book, even a short book. They may make gripping articles but involve only one or two interesting points that can be covered without going into great depth. A book needs legs; it has to hold readers from beginning to end, not just engross them for a few early chapters and then put them to sleep.
Look for ideas that have depth, several layers, and can't be fully covered in a few pages. Ask whether your book idea involves questions and information that will hold both your and your readers' interest. Although ideas for books don't have to be overly complex, they must involve different facets that give the book substance and weight.
The Very Idea
(Editorial by Brian Jud)
Business card Your business card can be a portable, affordable and versatile marketing tool. Here are 10 Tips for using it effectively.
1.   Never leave home  
      without them -- keep
      extras in your car, purse, and briefcase; store them in a card
      case to prevent damage
2.   Insert a business card with all correspondence
3.   Use proper business card etiquette - take a moment to study a 
      card when handed to you
4.   Be generous - hand them out at trade shows, personal
      presentations and networking meetings
5.   Have a professional card with complete, updated contact
      information in a readable type size; not dog-eared or worn
6.   Consider a magnetized card to place on a refrigerator - a
      reminder of your book on diet, nutrition or appliance repair
7.   Give one to receptionists after your media events to reference
      when listeners call later to ask about you
8.   Make notes on others' cards - remember what you discussed
      and when/how to follow up
9.   Give people a reason to hold on to your card  -- write a
      personal note on the back or a code to receive a discount when
10. Place them on bulletin boards at local restaurants, supermarkets,
      libraries, your gym and other public places

Savvy Self-Promotion
(Penny Sansevieri, author of From Book to Bestseller, penny@amarketingexpert.com.  Follow me on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/bookgal)
If you're still confused about what Twitter is, check out this easy-to-understand YouTube video: Twitter in Plain English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddO9idmax0o   Ready for more fun Twitter applications?

TwitterMail: http://twittermail.com/ - supplies you with a personal email address. If you send an email to that address it will be posted to Twitter.

Pam's Publicity
(By Pam Lontos, Owner of the publicity firm PR/PR and author of  I See Your Name Everywhere; sign up for free publicity tips at www.prpr.net)
Realize that in the media world, there's no such thing as off the record. So always assume that everything you say is ontape and will be put into print. Also, don't ask the reporter to send you a copy of the story foryour approval. While this may seem like a reasonable request, it will only offend a seasoned reporter. But do ask for a copy of the magazine to keep as a souvenir. This will show how pleased you are that the reporter has given you the opportunity to get quoted in the publication.

Book-Marketing Tips - Roger C. Parker
(Roger C. Parker is the $32 Million Dollar Author. Test your Book Publishing IQ at his www.publishedandprofitable.com)
How to make the most of online coaching sessions. Online coaching sessions permit you and your book or marketing coach to view the same documents--ideas, book proposals, mind maps, or table of contents--on your computer monitors while talking together.

You and your coach can make much faster progress when you can both see and hear your ideas taking shape. At the end of the call, your coach will send you an e-mail containing the document, or action plan, you worked on during the call. Here are 3 simple steps you can take to make the most of your online coaching calls: 

1. Have a clear agenda for each call. Review the mind map or document you and your coach created during your previous call, and know what you want to accomplish on your upcoming call.

2. The afternoon before each call, communicate your goals, concerns, and questions to your coach.  This gives your coach time to prepare a new mind map or agenda for the call and review anything you might want to go over with your coach.

3. Log-in about 5 minutes early to the screen-sharing URL which will display your coach's screen, or--if desired--your computer screen. This is particularly important if you have not had previous experience with screen-sharing programs like www.gotomeeting.com. 

With a little preparation, you and your coach can make the most of your time together and enjoy a happy, productive call. After the call, your coach will send you a copy of the action plan, or other documents, you created together.

Bartlett's Quotations on
Powerful Publishing Ideas

(Robin Bartlett is a former member of the IBPA Board of Directors and is the Publishing University Chair rbbartlett@aol.com)
Avoid Truth Statements.  When buyers hear "truth statements" such as "Let me be perfectly honest with you...," or "To tell you the truth..." they may think, "Well, if he says he's being honest now, was he being dishonest before?"  Don't even put this thought in your buyer's mind! 

Marketing Planning
(Excerpted from Brian Jud's e-booklet, Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan: 461 Tips for Profitable Marketing Planning; www.bookmarketing.com)
Planning helps you prioritize resource allocation among competing opportunities. Without some means for ranking your projects you might allocate too much time or money to those with less economic or psychic return. Under each priority level, do the first things first. Do that which is more important to your business before that which is more enjoyable.
Marketing Strategy
(Excerpted from Brian Jud's e-booklet, The Buck Starts Here: 635 Tips for Creating Successful Marketing Strategy; www.bookmarketing.com)
There is a difference between the words action and accomplishment. You can be busy doing something without accomplishing anything. Planning actually saves time by directing your actions to accomplishing your objective.
Online Book Promotion --  Dana Lynn Smith
(Book marketing coach Dana Lynn Smith is the author of The Savvy Book Marketer's Guide to Successful Social Marketing, http://www.SavvyBookMarketer.com. For more book marketing tips, visit http://www.BookMarketingMaven.com.)
Promote Your Book With Video. Adding videos to your website and blog can help you get up close and personal with your audience. Add a video greeting to your website, offer free video tutorials, include video clips in your online media room, or create a video book promo (similar to a movie trailer, combining graphics, words, and music). Keep videos short (about 30 to 90 seconds) and be sure to include a call to action in promotional videos.
People watch hundreds of millions of videos daily on YouTube, and folks who enjoy videos often forward the link to someone else, creating viral marketing opportunities. If you post your videos to YouTube first, you can embed them in your website or blog and benefit from even more exposure.

Booklet Ideas - Paulette Ensign
(Paulette is President of Tips Products International Paulette@tipsbooklets.com;  Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pauletteensign)

Create information products that are "evergreen," that have no time sensitivity to them. This allows you to sell them forever. A booklet about organizing the time, paper, and space involved in your business life can be valid forever as long as you don't mention specific technology. How can you lengthen the life of your information products by removing time-sensitive references?

Marketing to Non-Bookstore Buyers
(Excerpted from Beyond the Bookstore a Publishers Weekly book by Brian Jud   http://www.bookmarketing.com)
Content is king in the non-retail sector. Companies and associations want to use the information in your books to help them sell more of the products or services they offer. Your content may be re-purposed as a premium, as a fundraiser or other device. In the case of schools, your content could help the teachers improve the education they provide their students. Government agencies purchase books, but they also seek publishers to create and deliver content that does not exist in the form in which they need it. The opportunity to increase your revenue and profits is limited only by your creativity.

Guest Columnist -  Liz Nakazawa
(Contact Liz at www.marketmybooks.com)
When preparing for a radio or T.V. interview about your book remember that you are the one that is going to control the interview. Prepare ahead of time the main five points you want to get across about your book. Sometimes interviewers are not well prepared, or worst, haven't even read your book ahead of time. In that case you would want to take their very general question and answer in specifics, the specifics you decide ahead of time. At the end of the interview be sure and mention where your book is sold.

Helpful Website of the Week
mouse-computer ilustration Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center http://www.rockfound.org/bellagio/bel_arts.shtml
August 17 through November 30, 2010, Italy Bellagio creative arts residencies for novelists, playwrights, poets and other artists allows time for disciplined work, reflection and collaboration. The center offers one-month stays for three to five creative artists of significant achievement from any country.
Free Upcoming Webinars by Brian Jud  --
High content with no selling - just the facts
You don't even have to pay for the phone call if you use your computer's speakers
Sell More Books in the Fourth Quarter Holiday Period
The economy may be down, but your books sales can go up - if you do the right things. Start now to sell more books during the October - December Holiday buying period.  In this webinar you will discover tips and actions that you can do today to maximize your sales and profits before the end of the year.
Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 pm Eastern time
Sign up at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/568292288
How to Negotiate More Profitably With Special-Sales Buyers
Selling books to non-bookstore buyers is not difficult if you know how to do it. In this webinar you will discover a step-by-step system to find the names of people to contact, prepare for the sales call, make your presentation and negotiate the sales. This webinar is designed for the author or publisher that wants to sell directly to prospective buyers..
Thursday, September 24 at 6:00 pm Eastern time
Sign up at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/911487657

Brian Jud is Speaking at
Infinity Publishing's 10th Annual Gathering of Authors
Friday, September 25 - Sunday, September 27, 2009
Park Ridge Hotel and Conference Center, Valley Forge, PA
Join Brian Jud, Tom Antion, Pat Williams and others
2nd Annual Author Marketing Summit™
October 9-10, 2009 - Charleston, South Carolina

Buy Lines -- Free Information

Do you need a jump-start to get your sales moving?

Do you have a quick question or two about how to get started in special sales?

If so, consider a one-hour consultation with Brian Jud. Get answers that will ignite your sales efforts. Brian can help you create a quality product, distribute it to markets you may not even know exist, price it profitably and promote it more effectively so you can...

Sell more books
Beat your competition
Become more profitable
Sell in untapped, lucrative markets
Minimize -- if not eliminate - returns
Contact BrianJud@bookmarketing.com for more information.
Sell More Books, Make More Money In Special Sales
How to make real money selling books-3D Now Available - the most current and complete resource for increasing your sales and profits in non-bookstore markets.
The ultimate do-it-yourself guide to selling your books in large quantities with no returns. Not just who to contact, but when and how.

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               For More Information

Order now and Save 10% with Promo Code SELLMORE
Beyond the Bookstore is now available in Softcover and as a pdf document
( to order go to http://www.bookmarketingworks.com/beyondbookstore.htm)

Order Beyond the Bookstore and CD-ROM   --  Softcover

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Order Beyond the Bookstore and CD-ROM  - PDF and CD will be emailed to you

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I wish you success in your book marketing efforts. There are several ways in which I can help you sell more books more profitably. Let me tell you how by emailing your contact information to me at brianjud@bookmarketing.com.
Brian Jud
Book Marketing Works
Contact Information for Brian Jud
To subscribe to Book Marketing Matters or for copies of all the previous issues visit http://www.bookmarketingworks.com/mktgmatters.asp
Discover even more information about non-bookstore marketing by visiting the Special-Sales Tip of the Week at www.bookmarketing.com

Brian Jud now offers commission-only sales to buyers in special markets and several other programs to contact prospective buyers in special markets for you through personal sales calls, customized mailings and telephone calls. There is a program for any budget. www.premiumbookcompany.com
Brian is also an author and book-marketing consultant helping publishers market and promote their books to increase their sales and profits. Find rated lists of suppliers to publishers at www.bookcentralstation.com.  Brian is a media trainer, frequent speaker at publishing events and host of the online Publisher's Bookstore listing many discounted titles on publishing, publicity, planning, marketing, publishing law, design and writing. Visit his blog at http://blog.bookmarketing.com and contact Brian at P. O. Box 715, Avon, CT  06001; (800) 562-4357; brianjud@bookmarketing.com or go to http://www.bookmarketing.com

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