If you have trouble accessing any links or titles, please go directly to our blog @ http://motownwriters.blogspot.com
Visit our new website: http://MotownWriters.com | http://MichiganLiteraryNetwork.com
If you have trouble accessing any links or titles, please go directly to our blog @ http://motownwriters.blogspot.com
Visit our new website: http://MotownWriters.com | http://MichiganLiteraryNetwork.com
Let Us Promote Your Next Event Or Your Book! Posted: 27 Nov 2009 06:28 AM PST For a Limited Time The Michigan Literary Network offers 5 for $50.00 on your promotion! New Year's is just around the corner with Thanksgiving and Christmas leading the way. Prepare now and let us promote your next upcoming event or book promotion. For a limited time we are scheduling eblasts at our special price of 5 for $50.00! Also Buy now and use later! What a great way to set yourBook Publishing - Three Reasons to Choose Traditional Publishing Posted: 28 Nov 2009 06:34 AM PST If you look at the state of publishing today, sometimes it's hard to see why anyone would want to go the traditional/commercial route. After all, it can take months to years to get a manuscript accepted and big names get the most attention and prime shelf space. Even though all that is true, and there are other downsides as well, there are still reasons to choose this option. Here are three toIf you have trouble accessing any links or titles, please go directly to our blog @ http://motownwriters.blogspot.com
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