Most of you know me, Judy Cullins as a full-service book coach around since the mid 80's. This information below is useful to any of you, not matter your present challenges. Whether you're in business or a non-fiction writer, you can write an eBook in a lot less time than you think--even in two months. My last book in July -2010 on Linkedin Marketing took me only 2 months of part time writing, applying all of my tried and true strategies of book writing and my own LI success. After reading and realizing these 7 eBook benefits, you too may decide to join the 5% club. That's the percentage of book writers who make their book a financial and emotional success. ============================================================ Jump start your book marketing today! Join our social media marketing teleseminar for authors at: ============================================================ And, with a little help, they don't make expensive mistakes; they don't take longer than a few months to get their book out selling so their cash flow is strong. They are no longer frustrated with a lack of motivation to keep going. Finally, they believe in their book, and find trust in a mentor to get the job done right the first time--much easier and with fun too. =============================== So, Why Write it? -- 7 Reasons =============================== 1. Your ebook makes you a credible expert in your service business. As in my books, the coach is inside on the pages and shows strategies to do in all in doable steps. 2. Your book is a low cost item in your sales funnel. From it, you can build your packages and services—all to fuel your monthly income. 3. Your low-priced or free eBooks will build interest in your more expensive information products and ongoing services. A $10 eBook sale can turn into a $500-$2000 customer. 4. You can build your data base lists by giving a free book away. If you visit my site, you'll see why subscribe button at the top. When you join me for my weekly fresh blog posts and free reports, you also get opportunities to strengthen your skills. Your site and opt-in list should be focused on your main message of your book. 5. Your shorter eBook can become special bonuses in your bigger packages. Or, you can give it away to get opt in subscribes. 6. Your eBook makes you an author. It carries a certain amount of prestige still--more than any CD or teleseminar or video. 7. Your eBook earns your more money it makes you known as a "go to" person in your niche. Remember, you need to educate others on what you have to give. This content information marketing is smart. And, what you give out returns at least 10 fold. ============================================================ Jump start your book marketing today! Join our social media marketing teleseminar for authors at: ============================================================ |
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