Book Update

A guide for writers with or without published work. A comprehensive resource that every writer should have in their library in order to learn how to publish, promote, and market themselves on the Internet.

Is your book project ready for the next E-Revolution?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fw: 9 Ways to Turn your Blog Articles into a Quality eBook

Do you want to write an eBook, but find it daunting? Maybe you have other
work and you just don't have the time? But you do have ideas and want to
share your amazing information with your audience

The idea of repurposing content is not new. If you make sure to organize
your blog posts by topic or questions, you can transform like I did with my
recent eBook, "How to Write, Distribute, and Market your Book."

It took a little time, but now this eBook helps others and also attracts
book coaching clients. You can offer your eBook free and if you take effort
to present it in chapter format, can charge for it. Either way, you'll get
targeted visitors to your site or   book sales, or both!

I offer a series of short how to eBooks for only $6.95 each, and tweet
their benefits, and get regular, ongoing sales from them for years from
social media marketing and my own data base list we send fresh content to
every week or so. If you offer a short eBook free, you'll get opt-ins where
people leave your their emails. Then, you can stay in touch with them on a
regular basis, and offer irresistible specials to them on occasion.

On Marketing your eBooks from Blog Posts or Articles

Your valuable content markets you and your business better than any other
way I know. Better than SEO and better than a web sales letter, because
your words show you as the savvy, credible person in this particular niche.
So, get ready and gather up 5-10 related blog posts to start your free
eBook. Just add new information from expanded posts and tips to make your
fee eBook brand new and useful to your readers.

You can mention your free ebook and include its URL when you post tips in
discussions at Linkedin. I belong to 38 groups who are mostly in my
audience. Some are gurus I follow to learn more. My traffic and sales to
match increased 57% once I created my own book group at Linkedin.

Ready to get writing?

9 Ways to Turn your Blog Articles into a Quality eBook

1. Know your eBook's goals. 

What message do you want to share? How many pages do you need for this
eBook? 10-20 pp. for a free eBook or 25-50 pages for a fee eBook.  What is
a good title for it to encompass several related blog article?  Remember to
start with a working title so you keep you information focused. Each part
must support your book's title and thesis. If you wander or if you just
copy and paste the posts in the book, it just won't work.

Read more at http://bookcoaching.com/wp/blog-posts-into-a-quality-ebook/

Book Coach Judy Cullins helps you in business to write a "best seller" and
build your brand with a short book.
Author: Write your eBook Other Short Book-Fast , LinkedIn Marketing: 8 Best
Tactics to Build Book and Business Sales, and Advanced Article Marketing to
sell all the books and get all the clients you need. Since 1985 Wow!

Click http://www.bookcoaching.com/help-writing-a-book.php to get fresh,
free, weekly publications on book writing, self publishing, and online

Network with Judy on...
Do you want to write an eBook, but find it daunting? Maybe you have other
work and you just don't have the time? But you do have ideas and want to
share your amazing information with your audience

The idea of repurposing content is not new. If you make sure to organize
your blog posts by topic or questions, you can transform like I did with my
recent eBook, "How to Write, Distribute, and Market your Book."

It took a little time, but now this eBook helps others and also attracts
book coaching clients. You can offer your eBook free and if you take effort
to present it in chapter format, can charge for it. Either way, you'll get
targeted visitors to your site or   book sales, or both!

I offer a series of short how to eBooks for only $6.95 each, and tweet
their benefits, and get regular, ongoing sales from them for years from
social media marketing and my own data base list we send fresh content to
every week or so. If you offer a short eBook free, you'll get opt-ins where
people leave your their emails. Then, you can stay in touch with them on a
regular basis, and offer irresistible specials to them on occasion.

On Marketing your eBooks from Blog Posts or Articles

Your valuable content markets you and your business better than any other
way I know. Better than SEO and better than a web sales letter, because
your words show you as the savvy, credible person in this particular niche.
So, get ready and gather up 5-10 related blog posts to start your free
eBook. Just add new information from expanded posts and tips to make your
fee eBook brand new and useful to your readers.

You can mention your free ebook and include its URL when you post tips in
discussions at Linkedin. I belong to 38 groups who are mostly in my
audience. Some are gurus I follow to learn more. My traffic and sales to
match increased 57% once I created my own book group at Linkedin.

Ready to get writing?

9 Ways to Turn your Blog Articles into a Quality eBook

1. Know your eBook's goals. 

What message do you want to share? How many pages do you need for this
eBook? 10-20 pp. for a free eBook or 25-50 pages for a fee eBook.  What is
a good title for it to encompass several related blog article?  Remember to
start with a working title so you keep you information focused. Each part
must support your book's title and thesis. If you wander or if you just
copy and paste the posts in the book, it just won't work.

Read more at http://bookcoaching.com/wp/blog-posts-into-a-quality-ebook/

Book Coach Judy Cullins helps you in business to write a "best seller" and
build your brand with a short book.
Author: Write your eBook Other Short Book-Fast , LinkedIn Marketing: 8 Best
Tactics to Build Book and Business Sales, and Advanced Article Marketing to
sell all the books and get all the clients you need. Since 1985 Wow!

Click http://www.bookcoaching.com/help-writing-a-book.php to get fresh,
free, weekly publications on book writing, self publishing, and online

Network with Judy on...

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