Looking for a book on how to market your book? We rank 27 of them! by Noel Griese The table below lists many (but not all) of the most popular current books about book marketing and publicity. Statistics were taken from Amazon.com listings on Sept. 27, 2008. The books are listed by Amazon.com rank, with the most popular (lowest rank) at the top. Amazon rankings change hourly, so if you check the ranking for a book today, it will almost certainly be different than what we found when we checked the ranking. To keep the table succinct, we list only the primary author (the first author listed on Amazon for the book) for titles with more than one author, and only the short title (no subtitles) of the book. Prices listed are the discounted ones that appeared on the Amazon.com site on Sept. 27, 2008, for a book in stock. All the books listed have significant content dealing with book promotion. Most but not all deal solely with book promotion. Primary Author | Short Title | Rank | Format | Price | David Meerman Scott | The New Rules of Marketing and PR | 338 | Hard | $16.47 | Dan Poynter | Dan Poynter's Self-Publishing Manual, 16th Edition | 3,266 | Pbk | $13.57 | Brent Sampson | Sell Your Book on Amazon | 4,348 | Pbk | $13.45 | Steve Weber | Plug Your Book! | 12,969 | Pbk | $17.05 | Stephanie Chandler | From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur | 18,820 | Pbk | $13.57 | Peter Bowerman | The Well-Fed Self-Publisher | 19,140 | Pbk | $13.57 | Tom Ross | Complete Guide to Self Publishing | 26,084 | Pbk | $13.59 | Penny C. Sansevieri | Red Hot Internet Publicity | 35,407 | Pbk | $12.21 | Jacqueline Deval | Publicize Your Book | 64,817 | Pbk | $10.85 | Carolyn Howard-Johnson | The Frugal Book Promoter | 93,985 | Pbk | $12.21 | Jay Conrad Levinson | Guerrilla Marketing for Writers | 96,495 | Pbk | $9.92 | John Kremer | 1001 Ways to Market Your Books | 174,572 | Pbk | $23.24 | Patricia L. Fry | Over 75 Good Ideas for Promoting Your Book | 191,544 | Pbk | $6.50 | David Cole | The Complete Guide to Book Marketing | 224,994 | Pbk | $13.57 | Brian Jud | Beyond the Bookstore | 318,523 | Hard | $19.95 | Bruce T. Batchelor | Book Marketing DeMystified | 326,795 | Pbk | $13.45 | Fern Reiss | The Publishing Game | 334,417 | Pbk | $10.00 | Marilyn Ross | Jump Start Your Book Sales | 397,625 | Pbk | $13.57 | Jodee Blanco | The Complete Guide to Book Publicity | 407,459 | Pbk | $19.95 | M.J. Rose | How To Publish and Promote Online | 515,214 | Pbk | $11.21 | Mark Ortman | A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book | 678,034 | Pbk | $9.85 | Patrice-Anne Rutledge | The Web-Savvy Writer | 773,047 | Pbk | $59.97 | Penny C. Sansevieri | From Book to Bestseller | 852,958 | Pbk | $14.36 | Shel Horowitz | Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers | 1,111,714 | Pbk | $24.45 | Rick Frishman | Author 101 Bestselling Book Publicity | 1,144,696 | Pbk | $10.36 | Lissa Warren | The Savvy Author's Guide to Book Publicity | 1,246,349 | Pbk | $10.88 | P.M. Terrell | Take the Mystery Out of Promoting Your Book | 1,337,022 | Pbk | $16.95 | A word of caution. Just because a book has a low rank doesn't mean it's a bad book. P.M. Terrell's Take the Mystery Out of Promoting Your Book is a very good book, more useful in our opinion than many with better Amazon rankings. A low ranking is often a sign that the author is not promoting the title, perhaps because he or she is busy writing a new book or a new edition. Remember also that Amazon.com is not the only marketplace for books, so its rankings are not a universally reliable indicator of book sales. AnvilPub's Southern Review of Books is updated on the 15th of each month or the first business day thereafter. Back editions may be accessed by clicking on the "Southern Review of Books Archives" hyperlink at the bottom of this page. The search engine for the current edition and archives may be accessed by the button at the bottom. The Southern Review is edited by Noel Griese. The author of 17 books and numerous articles on various subjects, he has been a newspaper reporter and editor and has taught English and journalism at the Universities of Wisconsin and Georgia. Elected to both Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi, he holds three degrees in English and journalism. To add your e-mail name to the subscriber list, send an e-mail to custserv@anvilpub.com. E-mail news to ngriese@anvilpub.com or fax it to 770-493-7232. For advertising rates, e-mail custserv@anvilpub.com or call Kathie Splinter at 770-938-0289.
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