*** permission to forward*** You can call in to listen or ask questions at: That's 5pm today (Wednesday). If you miss it, you can always visit the website to listen to older shows. http://blogtalkradio.com/michiganliterarynetwork Today we have lined up great JOIN US!
And Don't forget: Learn the basics of blogging, draw traffic to site and how to write incredible blog posts. Each workshop comes with a resource disk and refreshments. Limited number of slots are available for only $20.00 For more information, go to: http://motownwriters.com/blogging101 _____________________ MOTOWN WRITERS NETWORK GOING GREEN ANTHOLOGY Over 2 million trees are destroyed every year to make paper for the over a quarter of million books that are made. In an effort to raise money for our upcoming conference and to support going green, Motown Writers Network invites twelve Michigan Writers to our first 2009 anthology. Our theme will be based on Fairy Tales of various genres. We do specify that the story takes place in Detroit and no more than 10,000 words. In lieu of royalties, each selected contributing author will receive: 1 e-blast for 2009 - 2010 $50 discount on their conference fee 1 page inside of book to market themselves various promotional opportunities that coincide with the marketing of the anthology. If you are interested, please contact: motownwriters@yahoo.com. If you are an editor interested in donating your time, please email us also. http://motownwriters.wordpress.com/products/goinggreenanthology/
For news, event updates and more on the Michigan Literary Network, please subscribe for updates, by clicking here or go to: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MotownWritersNetwork Or visit our blog at: http://motownwriters.blogspot.com Don't forget to visit our website at: *** permission to forward *** Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network http://aaeln.com (African American Electronic Literary Network) Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil www.redrosepublishing.com |
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